Current Groups – Lakes and Dales


Astley High School Community Garden

A serene haven created and maintained by students. The garden features sensory areas, including herbs and vegetables for cooking. Additional funding is sought for a pond cover to protect frogs and newts while attracting garden-friendly birds like herons. Future plans include year-round colourful plants, a fruit, vegetable, and wildflower garden to support bees and insects, and expanding the range of garden tools to enhance student skills for independent maintenance.

Cowshill Community Hall

A crucial hub for Upper Weardale’s community, hosting regular classes, clubs, and events, including weekly Saturday coffee mornings. It plays a vital role in combating social isolation and enhancing community well-being. With funding, they aim to refurbish the hall, improve access, and plan for future improvements, ensuring its continued value to the community.

Cumbria Development Education Centre 

CDEC envisions Cumbria as a place where young people, through global learning, become informed, responsible global citizens committed to a fairer, sustainable world. Their ‘Climate Leaders, the Future is Now!’ project will empower young people to lead local climate-friendly initiatives, fostering skills, connections, and tangible climate solutions. This strengthens their connection to the environment.