CommunityConnect_Logo v2


Community Connect is exclusively available to Scotmid Co-operative members in our trading areas across Scotland and the Lakes and Dales areas – to find out how to become a member click here.

How does Community Connect work?
A Scotmid member panel formed from elected members and employees will select a shortlist of three Good Cause Groups from those applying for a Community Connect award. Members can then follow the steps below to collect votes and then cast those votes to award the three Good Cause Groups a share of £25,000. Click here to find out more about the shortlisted groups in your area.

Scan and Collect:

Register and Attend:

How to Vote

There are two ways to cast accumulated Community Connect Vote; either in a Scotmid Store or at the Member Meeting

In a Scotmid Store

At the Member Meeting

There’s also personal benefits for members:

Where can I get more information? Contact the membership team by emailing or by calling 0131 335 4433. The full terms and conditions for Community Connect can be found here and the Monthly Member prize draw terms and conditions can be found here.

*PayPoint transactions will not generate a vote