Results of Board Election 2021
There was an uncontested election for the 3 places available to serve on the Board. Sheila Downie and Andy Simm were re-elected to serve for 3 year terms and Keith Kelly was elected to serve for a 3 year term. To enable Board and Regional Committee terms of office align, Keith Kelly’s Regional Committee term of office was extended to 4 years.
Results of Regional Committee Elections 2021
At the Annual General Meeting held on Monday 28 September 2020 nominations to serve on the Regional Committees were received. The results of the elections are as follows and nominees duly elected:
East Regional Committee
There was a contested election for the terms available which was conducted by postal ballot.
3 places for 3 year terms: Nicci Hill, Ruth McCabe and Brian Weddell
1 place for a 2 year term: Bryan Pottinger
West Regional Committee
4 places for 3 year terms: Andy Simm, Scott Ballantyne, Stephen Curran and
Gavin Randell
1 place for a 1 year term: Charles Sim
Lakes & Dales (Penrith area)
1 place for a 3 year term: John Mills
North Regional Committee
4 places for 3 year terms: Sheila Downie, Eunice Farquhar, Jennifer Garnes and
Marjory Smith
Results of Elected Member Remuneration Policy ballot
Members approved the recommendation to amend the Elected Member Remuneration policy to allow the Remuneration Committee the flexibility to award an annual increase in fees of between 0% and RPI over the next three year period and to bring the policy back to Members for their consideration at AGM 2024.