Beach Access North East (BANE)
Beach Access North East (BANE) is a small, entirely volunteer run charity providing specialised manual & powered wheelchairs and walking aids designed to use sand. All equipment is loaned free of charge and comes in various sizes, suitable for both adults and children. Funding will be used for additional equipment for people who thought they’d never get on the beach, enjoy precious time with family and friends.

Cumbria Deaf Association
Cumbria Deaf Association is an independent local charity that helps deaf people and their families by providing a wide range of specialist services. Their Listening Well Project helps ex-forces personnel with hearing loss gain confidence and manage day to day living. Suicide and self-harm, particularly among men, who are deaf or hard of hearing is twice that of the hearing population and funding will be used particularly for this support service.

St John’s Chapel Town Hall
Built in 1865, St. John’s Chapel Town Hall, Upper Weardale is at the centre of village life. Offering a wide range of health, well-being, and social activities including a gym, yoga/keep-fit sessions, carpet bowls, lunch club for retired farmers, cinema club and amateur dramatics. Funding will be used to replace windows and doors at the hall to stop it falling into a state of disrepair allowing the vital hub to be used well into the future.