Grace Smallman

The following member of the Board is due to retire by rotation at the OGM.  They have been nominated by the East Regional Committee and are eligible for re-election for a 3 year term:


Full name: Grace Smallman

Length of Society Membership: 53 years

Length of service on the Board: 3 years

I would like to offer myself for re-election to the Board.  I have served on the Board for 3 years, the East Regional Committee for 15 years and on the Board’s Search Committee for 3 years.  I enjoy participating in Membership activities and have often supported the Society at events organised by the Membership team. 

I am a member of the Co-operative Party and was Treasurer of the Scotmid Co-op Party until it merged and became the Scottish Co-operative Party.  I am a member of the Scottish Co-operative Women’s Guild Drumbrae branch of which I am Treasurer.  I have been involved with our Co-operative for the last 53 years, joining as a Member when I was 17.  I worked as a clerkess in Head Office at 72 Fountainbridge and St Cuthberts where I met my late husband.  I have one daughter and 2 grandsons, the eldest having joined on his 16th birthday.  I would like to ask for your support.