At the OGM in October 2019, Nominations were received for places to serve on the Regional Committees.  Elections were conducted by postal ballot, the results are as follows and nominees duly elected:

East Regional Committee

4 places for 2 ½ year terms:  Harry Cairney, Lesley Hinds, Keith Kelly and Jane Reid

1 place for a 7 month term:  Bryan Pottinger

East Regional Committee – Seaton Delaval Area

1 place for a 2 ½ year term:  Christopher Henderson

North Regional Committee

4 places for 2 ½ year terms:  Ally Hutchison, Richard McCready and Denise Taylor David Patterson

As the Society rules allow a maximum of 3 employees to serve on a Regional Committee and 2 other employees are currently serving, there was a contested election for the one available place to serve a 2 ½ year term of office.  Following the contested election, David Patterson was re-elected to serve.

West Regional Committee

4 places for 2 ½ year terms:  Iain Gilchrist, Marie Kane, Michael Ross and Karen Scott


Nominations to serve on Regional Committees

Nominations to serve on the Regional Committees have been received, and nominees eligibility criteria have been checked and confirmed by the Secretariat team.

Following the election of Andrew Clark Hutchison onto the Board and the alignment of Regional Committee and Board terms of office, the terms of office may require to be adjusted.

 East Regional Committee

4 places for 3 year terms:  Ruth McCabe, Nicci Hill, Bryan Pottinger and Brian Weddell

North Regional Committee

4 places for 3 year terms:  Sheila Downie, Eunice Farquhar, Jennifer Garnes and Marjory Smith

West Regional Committee

4 places for 3 year terms and 1 place for 1 year:  Scott Ballantyne, Stephen Curran, Gavin Randell, Charles Sim and Andy Simm

West Regional Committee (Penrith area)

1 place for a 3 year term:  John Mills