Newmains Community Hub Equipped for Success

Newmains Community Trust (NCT) is celebrating after receiving an award of £370 from the Scotmid Co-operative West Regional Committee.  

In 2012, the Trust was awarded a grant by Big Lottery Fund to build a multi-purpose ‘community hub’ in the town, to include a library and café, which will be completed in Spring 2015.  

The award will be used to purchase of a range of equipment which will be used in their temporary base and transferred to the new hub on completion.   

Sandy Mohamet, NCT development Manager, said: ‘Newmains Community Trust is very grateful of the support from Scotmid Co-operative at this important time in the build of the NCT Centre which will allow the Trust to make better use of our temporary shop-front premises for development of groups, clubs and activities before moving into the new NCT Centre later in the year. 

‘The timing makes it an important milestone with potential to benefit the wider community in Newmains.’

The Trust has been working tirelessly with a wide range of community members to improve and regenerate the social and economic life of the Newmains area with a strong emphasis on health and wellbeing.  

Community-focused activities include a gardening group, youth group, ladies’ group, elders’ group and a heritage group. 

The Scotmid Co-operative West Regional Committee previously granted the Newmains Community Trust funds in 2012 and 2103.

Photo includes members of the Newmains Community who will use the community hub.